just look at that adorable face & you can see why for yourself.
my due date was sept 26th. as the day approached, i thought "well, here we go. she's going to wait WAY past her 'day'." but, on 'her day', i started having really strong contractions. ones where tears would run down my face as i tried to catch my breath. then they would stop. then go again. then stop. 'what is up with this madness?' i thought. i slept really well monday night, and i woke up at 5:30 to use the bathroom and as i stood up my water broke a little, or so i thought.
we called the doctor & she said 'no rush til you start having contractions.' so we didn't. my mom came over & got them ready for school. we even had breakfast at panera...a last little date before her arrival.
we got to the hospital around 9:30 or so. did all the check-ins and still wasn't having any major contractions. and, still no big "gushes," for those of you who know what i mean. :).
they checked & said "no, your water didn't break at all. we can't keep you even though its after your due date...you have to wait a week...hospital policy."
"NOOOOO!!" i couldn't believe it. and, i still felt certain that my water did "something."
then, our kind doctor said, " you seem like you are about to be in labor or are in early labor so i could 'fudge' the rules a little and break your water for you." while that was super thoughtful & everything in me wanted to scream "ooookkkk!!," we knew we couldn't do that. rules are rules & we didn't want her to lie for us (b/c that is what she said she would have to do).
she said "well, walk for 45 min around the maternity ward & let's see what happens."
i wish i could say that this is where my faith kicked in. it has in the past with the other births. but, no. i was so discouraged. we still weren't even decided on her name. ug. can she really be born?
and, as i circled at a very speedy pace (speedy for 40 weeks) while nurses chuckled because i definitely didn't look in labor, i grumbled. i cried. i was discouraged.
sweet charles endured it all saying "tif, just focus your eyes on Jesus. it's all going to work out."
my one prayer i prayed was "God, even when i'm faithless, you are faithful. please help. i want to have this baby today."
when we got back, i was ready to put my clothes on and go home. i knew nothing had changed. nothing felt different.
the doctor came in, asked how i was, i said the same thing to her...nothing changed. she checked me and...AND...
GOD IS FAITHFUL even when i am faithless.
i went from 2.5cm to 4cm in 45 min of walking. she was amazed! i was thrilled.
"you're having this baby today!" she said. as we started the process, the Lord gave us her name. charles mentioned the story of Abigail (from the old testament) and we both knew in that instant that was supposed to be her name. and, it means "the joy of the father." how precious!
from there, i was at 4cm from noon until 3:30/4pm. i just wasn't progressing quickly.
at 5:30pm, i felt something strange...could she be ready to join the world? i couldn't wait another second. i called the nurse. she checked me. "oh! you're ready!" a flurry of excitement: called the doctor, table prep, nurses ready, ck got the camera going...
at 5:41pm, she was born!
and, what a doll...we are so glad to have her here.
and, so thankful to my gracious God. he still answers, even when we don't have the faith to muster a real prayer.
I love to hear birth stories!! Thanks for sharing Sophie's. I knew that at one point, we were sure if Sophie was coming but so glad to hear the stories of God's faithfulness. You have such a sweet girl!!